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  1. We're looking for an awesome Squad Lead to join @Dailymotion Player Team • dai.ly/joinus #SophiaAntipolis
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  2. 📢 In case you missed it, @RivieraDEV CFP is still open until February 15. 🗓 13th-15th May, 2020 🌴Time to submit a talk: conference-hall.io/public/event/93yz1UrcsugPKYsoxJjL ☀️Looking forward to read yours proposals!
  3. Last week I talked about “JavaScript Code Splitting” at @jssophia. Here are the slides: speakerdeck.com/oad/javascript-code-splitting
  4. I'd love to read more #womenspeaker/#womenwhocode proposals to @RivieraDEV CFP !!! Still ~1 month to submit yours : rivieradev.fr/cfp
  5. What better way to start 2017 than submitting a proposal for the next @RivieraDEV ? 👉 buff.ly/2hABRNv
  6. Brand new website, a new venue and a 3rd track to attend. 2017 will be a good year for @RivieraDEV. Can't wait! @rivieradev/808237252522471424
  7. Less than a week left to submit a proposal to @RivieraDEV CFP, and we still don’t have any proposal for a @webpack workshop 😇 @_dhar/1070951962772996097
  8. Je recherche toujours des volontaires pour relancer les meetups @jssophia à #SophiaAntipolis. 1er rdv « organisateurs » prévu courant Juin. Hésitez pas à me contacter! @_dhar/997937485891162112
  9. Hey folks 👋, we are looking for a Front-end engineer to join @dailymotionEng player team in #SophiaAntipolis and help us improve the video player performances! jobs.smartrecruiters.com/Dailymotion/743999663646920-front-end-performance-engineer
  10. This is a big deal : Autoplay and Inline Video for Safari 10 on iOS developer.apple.com/safari/
  11. If you missed it last friday, Dailymotion player team is hiring in #SophiaAntipolis 👇🏼 @_dhar/698043823545516032
  12. Looking for a #JS job in #SophiaAntipolis? Dailymotion is hiring a front-end dev to join the video player team : jobs.dailymotion.com/en/Offer/display/146
  13. 📣 Gentle reminder: @RivieraDEV Call for Paper is open and waiting for *YOUR* proposals: rivieradev.fr/cfp 🗓 15th-17th May 2019 Among many things, I’d love to see talks about JavaScript, Web performance, WebVR 🙏
  14. Hey, a lot of videos from the last @jsconfeu are online. Including Brendan Eich talking about the future of JS jsconf.eu/2011/
  15. A #RivieraDEV, beaucoup m’ont demandé si j’envisageais de relancer @jssophia. Pour être honnête, je n’ai plus ni le temps, ni la motivation nécessaires pour m’en occuper. En revanche, je serais ravi de passer le relais pour voir le groupe redémarrer.
  16. 1/ J’ai reçu pas mal de questions depuis que je cherche à relancer @jssophia (cf. 👇). On m’a notamment demandé quels avantages il y a à organiser ce user-group. Une bonne question, avec pas mal de réponses..! Petit listing des satisfactions d’organisateur: <thread> @_dhar/997937485891162112
  17. The new @Dailymotion experience is finally out! Give it a try👇 dailymotion.com/video/x5slcnu
  18. …in reply to @sebi2706
  19. I was super happy to talk @jssophia again. I hope everyone enjoyed the Code Splitting session. Feel free to come ask any question after the next talk 🤘 @jssophia/1121453413152301057
  20. …in reply to @RivieraDEV
    @RivieraDEV @UnFroMage @mlegait Merci @lescastcodeurs! Superbe clôture de conf 👏
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  21. So far so good #RivieraDEV
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  22. .@__jakub_g nous a fait l’analyse de performance de rivieradev.fr/ 🤘 cc @RivieraDEV
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  23. Yesterday, it’s been exactly 6 years since I joined @dailymotionEng and the video player team. Time flies ^^
  24. ✅ “409 / 409 proposals reviewed” A lot of very interesting proposals, and not enough slots for all... 🔥 I’m still amazed to see how different point of vue we can have in the jury. Deliberation tomorrow evening will be fun..! 😬 @RivieraDEV/1228962513322160128